EXCLUSIVE: SW Podcast Meets Harvey Jabara

For the final episode of 2023, we’ve got a very special one. Gaz and Charlie sat down with Imps investor and board member Harvey Jabara.

They talk about everything from transfer policy, Harvey’s life in Lincoln, the managerial appointment process, and dinner parties!

Thanks to everyone at the club who made this happen, and be sure to get subscribed for plenty more content in 2024.

(Please note – Harvey’s mic kicked in properly around 2 minutes in, because Gary was on tech and that always spells danger)

Spotify – https://open.spotify.com/show/5zABNayhbwTiLEuenO2vaL

Apple – https://podcasts.apple.com/in/podcast/the-stacey-west-podcast/id1433889375

Acast – https://shows.acast.com/staceywest