With no Imps game to talk about this weekend, we’re taking a look at a couple of talking points instead. First up, we take a look at our loanees and give their current situations a once over. Sam Long, Jaden Brown, Ali Smith and more all get a look in here!
Next up, we’re talking about the big thing. The run-in. We look at Oxford, Stevenage and Blackpool’s fixtures, and have a little game of predicting where the four teams will finish! Will the Imps land 6th place according to us? We’ve tried to be as unbiased as possible, so let’s see how we go…
Of course, we have the regularly scheduled Stacey West fun and games as well, with the lads giving a brief update on our running progress with only three weeks until the Lincoln 10k…
We’ll see you Thursday where we’ll be previewing the Orient game – Up the Imps!
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