The good, the bad and the ugly: Lincoln’s transfer window so far

Courtesy of Graham Burrell

It’s been an interesting few weeks for the Imps, with players coming and going like tube trains in a London station. Only with more departures than arrivals.

Significantly more.

There’s no need to panic, the departures have been followed by two clean sheets and six points, with the new players clearly settling in like they’ve always been at the club and those going likely not to be missed in the main. Seriously, what did Bernard Mensah actually do? Nice bloke, very articulate but as useful as Sam Slocombe, or Gary Lineker’s opinion on Brexit. 

They were gap fillers, as was Kellan Gordon and with the greatest of respect, as was Scott Wharton. Whatever their individual talents have been, they were not key components of the squad. Cian Bolger and Danny Rowe are. Remember, DC only replaces where he can add value, so everyone hoping just for cover players might be disappointed. 

Courtesy Graham Burrell

Being a Lincoln fan in the transfer window is like going shopping with my missus. She’s lovely is my Fe, she is a girl of taste and has a very specific idea of exactly what she wants. Our manager is lovely too, in a different way of course, but his approach to buying players is the same as Fe’s when buying anything.

She’ll see a dress, some curtains or a sauce of some sort that she wants, she’ll research it, compare prices and know everything about what she wants to buy. Then, she’ll go into town and spend hours looking at everything and anything else, knowing deep down that she’s set on that one thing.

Sometimes, I get hacked off and go to McDonald’s, or I sit at the front of the shop playing with my phone. That’s us all now, sat at the front of the shop whittling away the hours while Danny browses players and waits for the right moment. I always wonder why Fe does that, but then when we’re out later and she looks classy in the new dress / earrings / shoes, or I’m munching on just the right cut of steak, I know why.

That’ll be us in February. As we sit down to a feast of promotion chasing football, we’ll forget being on a squad of 18. We will, honestly.

Anyway, I’ve decided to keep the transfer window interest going a little longer by picking out three major talking points so far, labelling them as the good, the bad and of course; the ugly.



  1. If the quality of the Imps squad is as good as you say, and it is!, then Bury can get Scott Wharton or surround our ground with spies in the bushes….it won’t make any difference!

  2. Exactly. It is one thing knowing what is going to happen, it is another thing stopping it. They will know set pieces from watching games.

    Also quite like Lineker on Brexit ?

  3. Top quality is Scott and if he plays against us will severely test our elite centre halves. Sad to see him go but The Cowley’s are no fools. They know his skill set as well as his vulnerable pieces.
    I bet they are supplying the team “the” specific information about his few weaknesses.

  4. I’ve read a comment that Scott should have played against Yeovil, in which case he wouldn’t now be a Bury but I suspect he was probably already effectively out of the door before the team bus left Lincoln on Monday. Danny would have known he was on his way some time ago and was powerless, probably, to do anything about it. if his parent club wanted him elsewhere and the loan deal permitted it then it was always going to happen.

  5. Tad unfair on KA dont think we had the cash to offer more than short time contracts, As we all know he did a superb job with nothing!

    • I appreciate it was a cash thing, that’s my point. That’s how the club has progressed. Anyone reading that as a slur on KA doesn’t know me that well.

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