The Morning Dog Walk – Jamie McCombe, Matt Rhead and Ipswich away

Courtesy of me

On today’s ‘Morning Dog Walk’ I’m chatting Jamie McCombe, Matt Rhead and Ipswich away.

Thanks for all the message of support in favour of this feature. I find it odd anyone wants to watch me talk about Lincoln whilst walking in the Wolds, but it’s going down well.

Even Peter Gain watched this morning. Peter Gain.



        • Wow, long time. Hope you’re well. You were the one who helped feed my programme collection, you gave me a full season I seem to remember.

          • I am well and I can see you are too. Glad to help your collection I remember a folder bound full season fron the 80s I recall. Enjoy Stacey West blog glad you have been able to make a living out of your passion well done.

          • Thanks Nick. If you’re ever at a game, let me know and I’ll buy you a drink or something. I still have the folder and programmes as you gave them to me.

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