It’s been a pretty hectic couple of days for me around the club, and I wanted to give Imps’ fans a little of the insight I’ve gained.
On Thursday, I attended a signing event with Chris, chatting with a few of the new faces. We got a shirt signed which will be auctioned off for Cancer Research over the coming days, and had talks with Tendayi and Tom Bayliss, as well as ‘old favourites’ Adam Jackson and Paudie. As always, the squad seemed in good spirits, and they mingled far better than a couple of seasons ago. It’s hard at those events, as the onus is on sponsors to approach the players, but many of them are young lads who probably feel more nervous than we did!

Obviously, on Saturday, I got to commentate on the Arsenal Under 21s game alongside John Helm, a legendary voice for football supporters in the north of England. That was some experience – nobody told me I’d be on the gantry in the St Andrews Stand, which i think is still the Selenity Stand, but is emblazoned with Greenlinc Renewables this season as well. I always laugh when one of the commentators on FIFA says, ‘It was a dry walk to the gantry’ as if listeners are interested, and yet my first words were, ‘It was a terrifying walk to the gantry’. Luckily, my fear of heights was enough to douse the fear of failure, and despite the technical issues, it was a super experience.
There was one odd moment. It was after Ben House’s goal that I was watching on, with John Helm calling the action in my ear, and when he stopped, it only dawned on me I was meant to say something. I’d become so engrossed in his legendary voice that it felt like I was still at home watching Goals on Sunday, not sitting next to him, offering my humble opinions on the Imps.

That’s caught up to yesterday and the open training session at the club. I’ve got a bit of downtime, so I thought I’d go along and take Dad. If I went, I’d be impressed, but he’s far more (how shall I put it) partisan when it comes to things like this.
It’s fair to say it was a good event. The first issue I had was identifying some of the new players, especially as I forgot my glasses. Rob Street and Ethan Hamilton look the same from a distance, with George Wickens and Zack Jeacock quite similar as well. Jack Moylan and Dom Jeffries are alike, and it just made things a bit difficult! I wasn’t the only one, as one supporter was stumped as to who Oisin was, a young man who has developed in his time away.

There were several absences, as you’d expect. Hamilton not being there made Street easier to spot, whilst Hackett, McGrandles and Walker were also absent. Sean Roughan appeared later on but didn’t train, and notably, Michael Kamson-Kamara was part of the session despite his loan to Peterborough Sports. It’s odd, when a player is loaned out like that, you think he’s gone, but laughing and joking with Ethan Erhahon, he looked hugely at ease in the squad. It just underlines how our perception and reality are very different.
Training was quite intense and it is interesting to note how easy it would be to get injured. I guess it has to be, but even sceptic Dad was impressed as players put themselves about. They split into two groups: those who got the most minutes on Saturday were on an easier programme, whilst those looking for more minutes this Saturday were put through their paces. It was all very slick, not a lot of downtime, and towards the end, players mingled with the youngster at the event, signing shirts. There was definitely a feel-good factor about the morning, but I wasn’t there for the saccharine-sweetness of a club that knows how to connect with fans.

I wanted to see the players. I wanted someone to impress me in training, someone for me to come away and say ‘bloody hell, he looked good’. Step forward Lewis Montsma.
All the players looked fit, they all put in a good shift and seemed relaxed and together, but there was something about Lewis. He has this steely determination on his face at the moment, a resolute desire to get back to where he was, to put what can only have been two years of hell. Not only that, but he looked good, really comfortable on the ball, and carried it with such ease. For a central defender, he is so composed in possession (no offence intended to defenders) and on one occasion at the end of the session, he carried a ball past three tackles with all the poise and grace of Johan Cruyff in his prime. That’s encouraging for Imps’ fans.
That’s just about caught you up. I’ve also used the time to convince Liam Scully to come on and give us an interview this week, so there will be two podcasts coming – one with our view of the squad and our chances, another with Liam chatting to Ben about a hosting of topics, some of which we’ll give Patreons the chance to pick.
It’s an exciting time, the eve of a new season. Between now and Saturday, anything is possible from 24/25 – all 24 teams have their hopes and dreams. For me, the last few days have drawn me closer to a new squad than perhaps any previous season – I don’t usually got to friendlies, nor the training day, but somehow it all feels a bit closer, and bit more connected than last season.
Let’s hope it’s not misplaced optimism!
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