Chris and I normally agree on everything, so we thought it would be fascinating to go head-to-head in an EFL Fantasy Football Challenge.
Each week, we’re picking our team on the EFL Fantasy Football app and hoping to beat each other. One week is one point, mainly because Chris was late starting and I got two weeks on him already. two week, 30 points. Yep, I’m that bad.
We did this first on the new On The Terraces podcast but decided it was probably more apt if we did it on the SW. That way, we can talk about the SW league, where we’re currently 78th and 79th out of 79. It’s literally the losers podcast (Chris will argue his total of 65 from one week is top ten form, but he’s still bottom right now).
We’ll be looking at players, explaining our chocies and maybe even getting a few guests on who are playing along. It”s fun. lighthearted and took me waaaay longer to edit than it should.